Sunday, January 26, 2014

26 january

while the premise is factual the story will be fictional. all of the characters are real. the character named in the title will be joseph c. this is his real name. indications are that he is not joseph conrad although there is no certainty about whether this is or his not his actual surname. the only likely certainty is that he is not the actual author of heart of darkness and other such works. that the evocation is certainly evocative in a literary sense cannot be denied. the scene is a restaurant. the day is a sunny day. it is not a sunday. it is a saturday. this is both possible and true. brunch is served on both days. truly brunch is served every day. only on one day in this particular establishment is brunch served through the particularly engaging situation that is a buffet. this is not that day. that day is sunday. this day is satuday. a sunny day. the lack of buffet indicates the increased importance of a waiter. enter the title character. the indication of the importance of this character will be indicated to the reader by his appearances in the title after the style of a russian short story. the ending will not be tragic although it will not be magical. there will be no firebird. there is a fireplace in the restaurant although it will not be lit during the course of the story. it's brunch. fires are not always for brunch. there is an indication here that a fire is somewhat lit. the diners discuss this. there are two diners at this table. a two-top. the author has heard this lingo at some point. the author is uncertain of the authenticity of this lingo and will not repeat it. two diners converge and converse, one with child. to clarify, with a child who has already been born. so many words and so much to mean. the diners discuss whether the waiter is lighting a fire. one head shakes, one head nods. potential for vicarious living. potential for denial of potential. potential for pretending that something else is going on instead on some other front. potential for flickering. potential for doughnuts. potential for stopping before starting. potential for potential. potential for paying the bill. potential for tip. potential for leaving a number for joseph c. title character. story potential. begin.

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