Saturday, January 25, 2014

25 january

even in the dark there's a lighter load to bear up to whistle down there are nonsense words aplenty when you bushel apples by the score and conduct your business by the haypenny money cents and rapid fire makes the marsh mellow enough to sink your toes into your snow's see-proof and what that means is anyday dreams are easycome true it's as simple as you can wish and the fish you eat when you climb out of sleep when you're finished with a run in a memory that might be a dream in a half-hearted shrug that slips like a stream through an album that hurts to entwine through an attic that mines too many gold hearts and stars and blue moons all the same flavor in a recent revelation that's the froot loops story in all its gory details flailing around in milk spilling out and crying the crayons the sensitivity i have got a proclivity for telling you my secrets where you are the one listening and i wish for the best and the rest of the day i play it out i trickle down doubts into no other streams into anywise themes there's no comfort there so where and why and the try is the error it's kafka it's the trial it's the shore it's the mountain it's a fountain of allusion it's the truth in confusion and i have lost interest in food but the rudest part of worry is the sense of falling farther and the carving of the pumpkin facing in without the track without the suit without the useful pieces seeds and all the call and all the answers i am checking off the boxes let me stop and start again as the roll down hill continues deeper breaks and breaths and even keels the wheels are hard to hold but the bridge is something manageable the cannon balls will call their own bluffs and even barns can stand it abandoned and homeing the owls hay and all the musty stalls and cats and bats and dan deacon songs from nowhere sudden the pretty lights aurora wild borealis styled and all those dreams those teeth so cleaned in west northwestern yes

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