Monday, December 27, 2010

justwrite 27 december

i can't tell you all the details but without fail i'm flailing a bit here and it's clear the wind is rising it's not surprising to see the snow washed away and the straw plays its role but in a historical sense but is that the right grammatical tense ought the article to have an n or is there some end to that fight for righteous language usage do we move forward or are we forewarned with forceful natures baking up the ingredients an expedient route toward the spices the indies the films we wanted to make on our own time our own dimes we have zine dreams and we have rock scenes playing our vintage tshirts straight aloud to the crowd we have shrouded our worries in mystery and we have turned up the volume the light the brightness the tightness in the muscles related to the struggle but here we have what we want we're given and we taunt ourselvs with imagining tragedies of nonexistent sorts we purport to suffer slightly but it's a dailynightly sort of remedy a catch and release program augmented by tortilla chips we eclipse our own abilities we tend instead toward proclivities to eat to talk to balk at overwhelm turning away if not at the helm yes someone else will someone else fills up anchors blanketing the bottom of the ocean keeping it in place facing the surface but not quite bubbling up that high there's a sky but it's far off and there is some scoffing in the coffee queues listening to you and your useless dreaming scheming upward but keep heading thataway keep in play and weigh the means the committees that seem to scheme all those allocations to some questionable destinations we face our own nations trying to keep them united but our shoes are untied and our eggs are hardfried as dry as we like or hurried into curry just to move the day along we will sing more songs before this episode is over but if these curtains are exploders then they probably won't be opening on another quality act and it's time to perhaps distract the audience with a preponderance of improbable evidence maybe the program will rearrange itself into a more imaginative health a state of affairs comparable with the unbearable rightness of being left of leaving and of heaving the right foot forward into the dark day light bright and right and round we go again it's easy to defend pretending with eyes lending closed shades for closer contemplation and we will keep our fascination held close in our cards hardly daring to eat a peach within reach but dreaming about mangoes

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