Sunday, June 7, 2009

justwrite 7 june

let us discuss the adoption of options
i have feathers in my cap
there is chapstick in the car door
it's stuck
the truck costs the same as a boat
in hot weather
she took landing lessons
no urge otherwise
let's be safe
let's eat deviled eggs
we spend so much time being good
i will close my mouth
but only when i chew
the flies have it the dangs nab it
i have baked this cake to take it
out for dinner
acclimating the dogs
a half-pipe full of skateboard dreams
honeydew miscellany
i am just making things up
there are cups full of diet
i have tried it
all with ice
lazy sensibility
the quality here is very clear
i will look for balloons i will sun the moon
there are toads in every garage
a smile in the woods and the corners on deck
the best guess at what's next
lingering in the spoon waiting for the tongue

1 comment:

jmv said...

I like it when I understand some of your justwrite references.