Monday, January 19, 2009

justwrite 19 january

back on track the flash of a clashing camera lens itself lending a lack of focus on the fords the hoards of tiny dancers chancing some alerted hurting blurting out the apologies for stopping suddenly in icy road conditions around the turns as we share the road in exploded moments the donuts we grow with girls with temerity the scarcity of cherry breeze washing out galoshes with chilly fingers the bringers of ominous omens unlike the slow guns of summer firing up hummers and discounted numbers for everything is cheaper in a leap year as we give them all a history made of mysteries growing steam from frozen dreams the endless themes with elements to support the court of public opinion in love with old dominion coffee depository the glory of beans and the inbetween eyesawake stake in reality the chance that our cars will go on without us the doubt in our hindsight delighting in the torture the store sure enough for sore stuff like throats and remote gloats like ha and ha and when i suggest you laugh it's a carafe of melancholy folly that spills out instead dying red the heads and hinds the hounds bounding over and beyond the hedgerows the tiny dancers always well in hand can't stand the landing gear that never unfolds to hold close the earth the worthwhile transfer to manhattan the static on the radio telling you there's no time to go like the present

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