Friday, January 16, 2009

justwrite 16 january

maple cotton candy after yoga class gentle yoga hitherto unknown or ungrown in such colors the yellow wall the orange wall the balls of your feet in indiscreet mats chatting up the dark the fans scanning the muscles tousled into errant hairs scaring the balance off of its mark parking in the gravel and unraveling backs and backgrounds sticky in the stuckness the marks of caterpillars who make no noise the destroying being destroyed and the noise too annoying for knowing with glowing auto-mobiles spinning in their own air staring through the mat the floor the earth and down and up with no fists but twists into concentration on nothing on something else other than doubt letting out and spouting a rain into the elsewhere letting something grow letting self know self and no shelf too high no pie too sky for a taste with closed eyes and the surprising horizon which isn't but could be with practice which distracts us from alarm clocks and when i tell you i mean not what i mean i want to say that i did try and i will listen and where the sounds of shapes and sizes are quiet and the covers are warm i will wait for some better answer to give myself and carry in my pocket under my tongue and sweet it will be and the strands will slip my lips to touching each other perfectly fit no need to be tied

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