Saturday, September 17, 2016

17 september

the miracle of fiction is its very existence IN A WORLD where reality is so fantastic - in the sense of being early fantasy of the unbelievable sense - and occasionally even totally awesome - in the direction of inspiring thunderstruck awe, not just random awareness of coolness - and we ought to exercise the miracle when possible but too often it is misunderstood as lies - what is the line and why we cannot cross - the subject of some sociological expose, no doubt, but the pouting stance from one critic's chair where the author sits splits the difference with the sense of saying so? the mention of maybe NO as an answer to the trend of biographizing or monopolizing every story to selfish purposes and even verses to carry the weight of our own lives as if these lines can solve our broader selves - the fictional health we celebrate can hardly wait while we take out our own laundry and press it between the lines in the hopes of ironing out the irony before the pen comes up

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