Saturday, February 7, 2015

7 february

because i did not know the answer of course
i was loathe to ask the question

even asking the question makes something out of quiet
otherwise easily passing by A Situation
smoothly without incident or capitalization

if you could do anything what would you tell me
how gardens grow and what people do with their weekends
no one's shoes to clean up after

thinking about getting a dog a cat a car a ticket to somewhere else
the stories people build out of ingredients and props
coffee cups full of careful latte art
poses supposed to show us
got it figured out and in the right light something beautiful

turning out the day it's hard to add up
what takes away and what we save for tomorrow
filling up and pushing through and letting drift beyond

i will see the northern lights and i will return to laden tables and i will gather all
knowing my place is no place but where i find myself

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