Monday, October 26, 2009

post 26 october

justwrite 26 october

I am missing those clips eclipsed by a rare hair in the eye worth two in the nest the next best trochee or some other enclosure led on by exposure of a certain sort cavorting in the dark and parking all those pages at the arrival stage and wondering after the wandering where the magazine will flip open and who will buy what size I am trying to tell you all about this arrangement the estrangement of customs is unusual and I want to tell the woman at the store that what’s more or less right with here is not quite with me and we see not eye to eye but how high she surmises the bill is will and well and good and all but to call it like I see it is to believe it and I’m sorry but I can’t make that work right now and the cow over the moon is out of tune with the in-country barker the sobaka that just wantsta do those deeds and trim those trees I am trying but the frying is far too fired and the two ships on this captain are way too stuffed with proverbs to overcome the reverb I would like to apologize for the try and fail attitude which precludes these uncertain hurting shoulders but the colder the wait the longer the haste just like they always say on those rainy days and then it snows but so it goes and as long as my fingers are running along these keys and pecking as they please I have got nothing to hide and nowhere inside is there much comprehension just another layer of dimension and though I may have lost my watch there’s a tempest to be tossed and while I haven’t memorized the lines I have the feeling we’ll be fine with all the pieces in order as we work to restore the mortar between the bricks and affix the thick rubber shoes to the cement that is glue

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