Sunday, November 16, 2008

justwrite 14 november

Now, Carol is looking at leafy green frills of kale and spinach and fancy cabbages and stalling out. The idea of making something healthy to replace the pork chops she had planned for dinner has wilted a little in the face of all this nutrition. It’s one thing to eat healthy, and it’s another thing to make a meal of leaves and beans. And Gene probably wouldn’t like it.

Here’s you: Who wouldn’t like it?

Here’s me: Gene. You heard what she said.

You: Yeah, right—Gene. Of course that’s the real reason she doesn’t want kale.

Me: I like kale.

You: Your mom likes kale.

Me: Yeah she does.

Carol: I’m not getting kale.

Carol is resolved to make something healthy anyway. She wanders through the produce section, eyeing colors and all kinds of vitamins and fiber and that sort of thing. The peppers catch her eye, and she wonders about stir-fry. Would Gene want stir-fry? She vaguely picks up an orange pepper and considers this question. She tries to look like she really knows a lot about produce. No one seems to be watching, but she likes to appear sophisticated. Who doesn’t? She sets the pepper back down. Whoever was imaginarily watching her now probably imaginarily believes that she has found this pepper lacking or somehow inconsistent with her lofty culinary goals.

Produce. Yes. This is the right place. She’s not being very productive, though.Oh! Melon! That’s it! She’ll make breakfast for dinner. Some melon or fruit salad, French toast, and eggs. Gene loves breakfast for dinner. Carol loves Gene. Isn’t it nice to be loved? Isn’t it nice to have breakfast for dinner? Yes and yes. Is breakfast for dinner ever as healthy as kale and beans? Does Carol feel badly about this? No and no.

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