Sunday, July 27, 2008

July 27

candid berries
a watchdog list
lisps washing machines
no one showed up
sad to report from the secondary lines
forts and mobiles
routes swishing and switching
a new open love
wide open and keyless
except not in the way your dad says it
extremely very big
new in the cosmic sense not in the car sense
a real new yes
really and not synthesized created like gods do except you did it and god isn't real
excuse that last line
it's just so exciting is all
big in your mouth a big rubber ball made of appleskin
cotton in your veins
and stuff like that
a blooming cottonball behind your eyes and that
post your scooters, vacation, fall

1 comment:

MK said...

like routes switching and swishing

a new open love

as if "fourteen" is so offensive