Thursday, November 27, 2014

27 november

Sometimes it feels like we’re really on a tear, making progress and making sense – then either a lull, distraction, or simply running out of steam or energy or interest or whatever, and we find ourselves uncertain.
Driving back home tonight, I asked C, “So, what do we need to do next?”
Hmmm. Uncertainty.
Eventually, his reply: “Well, I guess we need to figure out what we definitely need in order to open.”
“Sure, like licenses and stuff, yeah?”
“Yeah. Like are we even allowed to run a business.”
“Sure, and health and safety stuff.”
“Yeah, definitely.”
Miles later: “We should probably talk about finances sometime soon, too.”
“Yeah, agree.”
Sometimes it’s so clear we have no idea what we’re doing. Driving into the dark with still-foggy windows is a perfect opportunity to realize this more clearly. Still, we drive on.

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