Thursday, November 14, 2013

14 november

Based on the classic obscure text, this new adaptation for the stage highlights the struggle of the common man to exist in a meaningful way in the vast expanse of life. With lighting and sound design significant in their insignificance, this is a performance that will not be seen again. Jonathan Winters is masterful as the original blind pedestrian – invisible to the world, and to himself. His motions and his words: repetitive and unknowable. His monotonous actions seem designed to power some sort of external machine – clearly, they serve no function to his own existence. His existential struggle itself struggles for relevance, his identity seeks a crisis—and yet, there is no conflict beyond that forced upon the scene by the viewers, the external we, with our values of normalcy, motion, ambition. Where do we think we’re going that’s so special, anyway?

Further reviews exist.
It’s an abstract piece. Critics love it. Critics hate it. Critics give it critical reviews.

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