Tuesday, February 8, 2011

justwrite 8 february

all those questions are sent out and the doubts are free to flee to go their own way to pay their own passage and it’s a voyage with massive debts creeping their way up the scale but as we flail also do we call out for the captain and when we realize that we’re the ones driving this here ship then we flip our own minds and not our fingers that’s a lingering reminder of how the behinder you get the less you admit you’re falling when you’re calling eleven times you’re begging the chimes to just fall right off to just cough in the face of illusion to sneeze the breeze faster to court an open-window disaster it is creativity run riot it is a quiet situation with no destination we are not running we are sunning our hair our toes we suppose ourselves immune to such inanity but meanwhile the sanity of a solid nap presents itself and helps its own cozy nature to a spot on the couch and I think I write about this yesterday or anyway not too long ago and the flow has gotten caught as well it often does when I buzz my own button at the end of the session I had hoped for another dimension to come tramping along and sing a smoothcool song of the iced honey variety sliding along down the throat of a teaswallow perched on a branch and listening with its wings

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